lynn whipple's art blog

Sparking and Savoring the Artful Life

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JOy Stuff!! The Art of Noticing. A new online class ðŸŒ¼ðŸ˜€ðŸŒ¿

JOy Stuff-An Online Class with Lynn Whipple

I would love to share with you my favorite ways to celebrate delight in our everyday lives. Working in my JOy Stuff sketchbook has opened up a whole new way to make art, move my hands and soak in appreciation. It has been a wonderful addition to my world and gets me off to an artful, positive and grateful beginning to each day. The best part, other than that it is fun, is the way I feel connected to the things I love!

Come join me and our super supportive, fun-loving online community as we draw, paint, write, make paper with a Gelli Plate and play. 😀 We will collage and create delightful pages and fill them with meaning. And we will extend our gratitude to others by making tiny thank you notes to love letters and more. Let’s create a joy based and portable art studio in our sketchbooks.   Starts October 3rd! Click here for more info! 

With loads of JOy!

 xoxo Lynn



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I am so grateful for:

Golden fur breaths of morning slobber, the feel of a brush in my hand, the sky, the smudged line of my #3 pencil, my touch as it explores everything, the smell of a loved ones neck, sunshine, every pale blue I have ever met, song birds, wood floors on my feet. Making or listening to music. Soft grass and wind, the first sip of a cold beer on a Friday night, words, friendship, laughing so hard I cry, covertly relishing profanity, iced coffee, meeting new people, singing, sugar and foosball.

How about you??

Take a second.

This is a fun, fast way to put you in the moment. It’s a good place to be. 

I was just thinking about the phrase “take a second” or “take a minute.” So, if we take a second, then what are we going to do with it?  Hummmmm, I guess it’s up to you. 


enjoy it. 

remind me tomorrow I want to write about purpose.