lynn whipple's art blog

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Sight sizing, painting with your canvas at a distance

Art making is fun!! Xoxoxo

Lynn Whipple Plein Air Paintings


Painting outdoors yesterday with my pal Don, our discussion included one of his professors who would do large “sight sizing” self portraits by placing the oversized canvas quite a distance from the mirror. In his case, about 25-30 feet away. He would roller skate back and forth between his reflection, where he would mix color an decide on one or two brush marks, then he would move quickly from the mirror to the distant canvas and place the stroke. Then, back to the mirror to look at the painting from a distance, mix more color from his reflection and so on….back and forth, back and forth, until the big painting was complete. Very cool idea!

So we tried it!!!!

OMG! Very funny! And hard, and a workout! Here are some pics. We placed the canvas about 12 feet from the mirror. Had a warm light source on the right and…

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