lynn whipple's art blog

Sparking and Savoring the Artful Life


100 Bad Paintings! so you had better get started!

Hiya!! My favorite art teacher once told me that anything you are interested in will blossom if given a little time. Just because you are not a master at first, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it and enjoy it! In fact, it is supposed to look a little “off” at first, so relax and have fun with the process.
(my iffy video skills are a great example) 🙂

There is nothing better than learning and the gift of watching a new, wonderful thing unfold.
The creative act itself is just another way that art enhances the world!

Move your hands, play a song, learn a dance, bake a cake, try a new painting technique!

Here’s to making stuff and enjoying your day!

with lots of love,


oh la la! a nice article in Winter Park Magazine!


Winter Park Magazine Article November 2011