lynn whipple's art blog

Sparking and Savoring the Artful Life


“Faces” 😊  Workshop in San Miguel de Allende 

John and I truly enjoyed teaching “The Face as Muse” workshop in lovely San Muigel recently. Every workshop has a special combination of learning, joy and laughter, and this one was filled with fun loving, talented folks who made the entire trip an artful adventure and a true pleasure. 

Many thanks to Kathie Vezzani and Ana Elena of Bellissima Art Escapes for making our time together so full of art, culture, fun and delicious culinary delights. The colorful city of San Muigel brings out the artist and explorer in us all. 

Here are a few photos! 

Julie holding up two of Holiday’s faces 

Zohra’s amazing work! Inspiring! 

Our group with the Mojigangas created by the big hearted Hermes Arroyo Guerrero and family.. what a treat and a parade! 

Beautiful Cie leads the group! 

With our hand painted masks and big paper flowers 🌺😊💚

Spilling onto the sun drenched streets in the center plaza of town called El Jardin or main garden 

Artists Kate, Julie and Holiday in our roof top studio 

Yummy well used brushes 

Julie’s workspace filled with great faces 

Stella’s fabulous work 🙂 

Kathie and Ana Elena, our wonderful guides through it all! 

John during our final show and tell 😊 

Dining with Chef Paco… as delicious as it was beautiful 

Our studio in full work mode 

Jacquelyn and Becky chatting about their work 

Our great group and their artwork! 

Wishing you many wonderful times of Creating with friends 🙂 

With love,

Xoxo Lynn 

Ahhhh!! Color!!!! 



Crayons at breakfast …

So much fun to travel and visit with friends. Music, art and of course yummy food! In Kansas City recently for an art show and had a great time with our pals Chris, Kyle, Kemper, Paul, Jim, Jimmy, Lisa….. Love yall!!












Chicago Art Institute’s new modern wing is lovely.

Hi! We just got back from being on the road. We were off to a show in Chicago, which was a lot of fun. A little wet, but good times. Perhaps this might be the moment to mention, that I believe that the folks at the weather channel are just Forest Gumping their way through their predictions. I am pretty sure they took all the money for that Doppler 9000 and secretly split it up amongst themselves, saving a coffee can of loose $20.oo’s for the beer and peanut fund. I think they have a dart, and take turns throwing it at a paper plate. The plate is up on the wall and they have divided up into pie sections, with a sharpie. Hot, cold, cloudy, wet, damp, snow, hurricane and ? They take turns blindfolding each other and tossing that dart. Then they have a hearty laugh as they broadcast  to us their “expert” weather advice. How much cute summer stuff can one girl pack, and not get to wear any of it??? Apparently a ton. So much for sunny and mid 70’s. It was more like freezing and wet, mushy and soggy, at least the first day. The good news is, that is finally cleared up, and when the sun came out, everyone popped up like new tulips. Midwesterners are the nicest people, even wet ones. I think this every time we visit there. Friendly and not stuffy at all. They seem to enjoy a beer and a nice dog. Everyone has a dog, or two, and nothing could make me happier. All shows should allow dogs. Meeting dogs only adds to the experience. Who doesn’t enjoy the “that dog really looks like his owner game??” So, the show was good, sales not bad, fun factor rather high, some guitar playing, a visit to a really cool bar where the Second City folks hang out, that is covered with really bad paintings of marginally famous people, a party at Liza’s most adorable, colorful apartment, and some good neighborhood pizza, and soup and a patty melt at Noogies.

i love a bad painting!

i love a bad painting!


lucky find outside the museum


just a nice space

just a nice space

such a poser

such a poser


city dancing, several of these are available for stop action movie.

city dancing, several of these are available for stop action movie.

we had to eat here, cause we are artists

aka Johnny Cashola

aka Johnny Cashola


he looks better than he sounds. NOt!

he looks better than he sounds. NOt!


paint that looks like icing!

paint that looks like icing!

















After the show, on Monday, we went to check out the Chicago Art Institutes’s new Modern Wing. I have one word. Lovely. Nice, simple, open space that felt good. We have all seen these artists, but it’s always nice to take a fresh look. As much as I love the more contemporary stuff, this trip I was crazy in love with the old master painters. Every brush stroke was a delight. AAAHHHHHHH. The Monet’s, the Sargent’s, the Sorolla’s, the Manet’s the Van Gogh’s. All these canvas’s were just a yummy visual treat. Back in the day, when there were no televisions, or digital camera’s, painting’s refreshing way of translating the world, was revolutionary. Me likey!! Also, the book store was a treat. I can just stand and smell the pages and be happy. Oh, and there was giant Lucian Freud painting that knocked my socks off. I wanted to buy his book, but just pawed over it for a while instead. It was a satisfying day. Breakfast, coffee and the crossword puzzle at the little “Artist’s Snack Shop” across the street. John ordered the Vegetarian Omelet, but with meat.  funny. Then a walk around Millennium Park with the beautiful water sculpture and the “Sky Garden” the giant reflecting kidney bean shaped, chrome thingy, that makes for a great photo opp. The drive through the middle of downtown at 9:00 am, was such a invigorating reminder of the way city folk live, and walk, and move in a teeming, flowing crowds. I loved being in that soup of cars, people, tall buildings, noise, signage, exhaust fumes, buses, bridges and elevated trains. nutty good. It made me hungry.